Quality Custom Made Orthotics & Braces

Mr. J Paxton Wellington Canadian Certified Pedorthists is a proud member of Care Inc. healthcare team.

He helps patients achieve and maintain proper foot care and lower limb health so they can live healthy, active Such as.

1.Assessing your feet and lower legs and providing a gait assessment (evaluating how you walk or run)

2.Educating you about your foot or lower limb condition and the recommended treatment

3.Providing custom-made foot orthotics or over-the-counter devices

4.Professionally fitting you with orthopedic footwear that is appropriate for your foot type and problems

5.Modifying footwear to accommodate problem areas

Every orthotic is made by hand and inspected at every stage throughout the manufacturing process. It's not just the use of technology that helps make an Atlas orthotic a superior product, it's the meticulous personal detail each of our team members put in that sets us apart.(morepic1right)

100% volumetric casts and cast data of your feet is captured from the Accu-Pin Depression Casting Matrix as well as our 3D Laser Scanner.

He also Provides Custom Bracing For Both Acute Injuries, As Well As Post-Surgery & The Rehabilitation Process. Braces Can Also Help With Pain That You Have Been Suffering With For Years. This Includes The Neck, Back, Arm, And Wrist, As Well Knee & Foot.(morepic2left)

Click here for more information

Visit Care Inc. 124-4774 Westwinds Drive, NE Calgary Alberta, Canada, Call  403-605-6300  for Appointment

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